Snake Bitten
“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:14-16NIVUK)
Snake Bitten
Heating a knife blade on an open fire before cutting a snake bite and sucking out the venom from a snake bitten cowboy was a popular story line in the western movies of my youth. Being snake bitten was one of many obstacles our hero had to overcome before the show could end with a ride into the sunset accompanied by his sidekick and happy music.
There are many days when it feels like we are all snake bitten in some way or other. During their exodus travels the Israelites had an epidemic of real snakes as a corrective to whining and complaining about their lot in life. The antidote to their snake bites was a serpent cast in bronze high on a post so when people gazed on it the venom was neutralized.
Jesus used that story as a metaphor to help a quizzical religious leader understand his calling as Son of Man. His cross is the point of visible contact for us to discover the antidote to the poisons in the world are found in reverse power, sacrifice and forgiveness reconciliation. I need some of that gazing on Jesus every day as a powerful antidote to my snake bitten nature and to helpfully serve the snake bitten world.
A Prayer for Today
Lord Jesus Christ, Lamb of God who was lifted up for the snake bitten world, have mercy on me and forgive my sins. When I am in the middle of whining and complaining, let me see you and find the antidote to my discontent in gratitude and hope. O God of mercy let me be merciful and not venomous …. For Jesus’ sake