Wounded God

May 9, 2022


Jesus answered, “You’ve come looking for me not because you saw God in my actions but because I fed you, filled your stomachs—and for free. “Don’t waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of Man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the Father to last.” To that they said, “Well, what do we do then to get in on God’s works?” Jesus said, “Sign on with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God’s works.” (John 6:26-29 MSG)

Wounded God

The horror and absurdity of the destruction of lives, cities, families, and property over these many weeks in Ukraine weighs heavily on most of us. It seems hopeless as well as useless. I have struggled to find anything like Jesus in the story but recently found two temporary helps in my praying.

As Jesus’ bloodied, lifeless body hung on the cross a man came with some helpers to take his body down, clothe it with appropriate dignity and place it in a tomb. He was courageous and compassionate. He served the broken body of Jesus when there seemed to be no hope. Without realizing it he ultimately left us with one of the great symbols of our faith – the empty tomb.

And that’s how I see Ukraine – a broken, bloodied body with wounds that Jesus embraced on the cross. It’s a horror and a disgrace but in many ways thousands of people are serving those wounds; it may seem hopeless, but they are doing it nonetheless.

My friend Brian Stiller just visited some of Ukraine’s neighbouring countries and wrote this “Amidst all this horrible suffering, angels of mercy welcome those on the run, offering a home, friendship, food and counsel for the journey. These agents of love walk streets where fear reigns, bringing protection and solace. Strong hands treat wounds. Men and women leave their comforts and, like the Good Samaritan of Jesus’ story, go where wounded people need the loving presence of friendship. Everywhere we went, people were giving and helping.” (see Brian’s full letter here)

So, like the man who buried Jesus’ wounded body, people serve the wounds of the broken body of humanity. Jesus challenged his audience to not waste their time and effort but to do that which leads to life. That’s what’s happening in Ukraine and many parts of the world where the forces of destruction are confronted with faith and hope.

A Prayer for Today

May Jesus who walked on wounded feet, walk with us to the end of our road.
May Jesus who served with wounded hands, teach us to serve one another.
May Jesus who loved with a wounded heart, be our love forever.
May we see the face of Jesus in everyone we meet and
may everyone we meet see the face of Jesus in us. Amen