Alternate Reality

May 2, 2022

Jesus …. took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfilment at Jerusalem.  (Luke 9:28-31 NIV)

Alternate Reality

He was a blacksmith, an entrepreneur, a world traveller, a spiritual explorer and, my grandfather. John MacLennan, born in 1874 in the Highlands of Scotland where the economic prospects were brutal. By cart, ship and whatever conveyance he went in search of work.  He worked in Egypt, (the then) Rhodesia, South Africa, served in Europe in WW 1 and amid all that had 5 kids. My mother and a couple of her siblings were born in Johannesburg and the other two in Scotland.

Back and forth between Jo’berg and Scotland became too much. Leaving the family in Glasgow, John came to Toronto and started MacLennan Ornamental Iron Works as well as helping with planting a Free Church of Scotland. He died when I was just about 2 but I feel a remarkable link to him.  My parents spoke of how he held me and played with me – and I suspect under his breath prayed for me (just like I did when my grandkids were small enough to be held).

I have always felt a special link to Grandpa MacLennan and believe that I inherited my entrepreneurial spirituality from him. He’s the only entrepreneur and most articulate spiritual explorer in my heritage. And on occasion I’ve wondered what he might think of me and the work we all are engaged in together.

Jesus showed an alternate reality to his friends when he let them see him discussing his departure with Moses and Elijah – the Celtic folk would call this a “thin space” where heaven and earth are only separated by a gossamer filament. One day recently I asked Grandpa MacLennan what he might be thinking of me as I hit the age he was when I was born.  I haven’t heard from him yet, but it is encouraging to think of our friends and wisdom figures still alive and available to encourage us.

A Prayer for Today

God of love, your Son said you are God of the living, not limited by time and space. As we muddle along in our own material reality, we can use a glimpse of something wider and bigger. In my prayers I sometimes speak with old friends and family, but I haven’t heard them reply. I believe you have spoken to us and continue to do so. Free us to see and hear you in all the mystery of time and space but also in the eternal- if Jesus could chat with historic figures perhaps we can too …. For Jesus’ sake