What is a "Thought"?


‘Truly I tell you,’ Jesus replied, ‘no-one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields – along with persecutions – and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.’ (Mark 10:29-31 NIVUK) 

What Is A “Thought”?

“Bob from Cranbrook” responded to a recent Monday Thought with: “Been thinking about you a lot lately. Thanks again for this thought.  You should write a blurb on 'thoughts' some time soon. What is it about thoughts that are worthy to express to others? What is a 'thought' anyway? A thought doesn't just hang in the air. It’s connected and grounded to many other thoughts unexpressed or suppressed. Anyway, I'd like to hear your take on this after all the thoughts you've bothered to share with me and others. BJ” 

Bob is a longtime friend and gifted spiritual explorer and guide. Our friendship predates Touchstone and is a rich resource for me. He’s forced me to have a number of thoughts as a I ruminate his question. My first thought is that most of what I write for Mondays are part of ongoing conversations I am having with friends, seekers, counselees, God, Scripture and Creation. When I listen in prayer to God, listen to your voice in word or pen, experience creation, and struggle with my own needs for divine health and healing I may go back and find something from that to shape a written Monday piece. 

When Peter tells Jesus that he’s left everything to follow him, Jesus tells him that it won’t be for nought – he’ll receive back resources, family, eternal life and problems as he follows Jesus. Last week I realized, maybe for the first time, that I had risked pretty much everything for what I believe about Jesus with this little Touchstone work. I’ve experienced the kindness of God, support of so many, the richness of opportunities to serve all over the globe from our Golden Horseshoe hub and some hard conflicts and opposition – and that all shapes what I think and what becomes a “thought”.  

One thing I’ve learned as one of “God’s ushers” (to steal a Thomas Merton idea) is that I’m not offering you a direct word from God for you to accept as gospel. I’m inviting you to look over my shoulder as I look at an idea through my eyes as Jesus’ friend and maybe that helps you find a similar connection of your own with God.  

A Prayer for Today

We awoke this morning in the presence of the holy angels of God. May heaven open wide before us, above us and around us. That we may see the Christ of our love and his sunlit company in all the things of earth this day…. for Jesus’ sake