Willie’s & Jesus’ Exits

February 21, 2022

He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ …. When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.  (Luke 5:3,4,6 NIVUK)

Willie’s & Jesus’ Exits

As Willie Nelson finished a song his tour bus emerged from the curtains behind the Skydome stage. While his musicians continued to play, Willie moved toward the bus, walked in, the door closed, and the bus backed up behind the curtains. One of the best exits I have ever seen. We were in no doubt that the concert was over.

The other day in my morning reflection I wondered if Willie got his exit strategy from Jesus. One day by the seashore while visiting with Peter, Andrew, James and John they got engulfed by a crowd who wanted his wisdom. Using Peter’s boat as a platform he had space to teach but it had to end at some point – “push out into deep water” was his exit. The crowd knew the show was over.

Jesus needed a clean break from the crowds to focus his energies on the young fishermen. Their business partnership and friendship became the basis of a core group of his apostles. But before he challenged them to change their vocation, he gave them the best day they’d ever had. Together, they scrambled to harvest the fish before their boats sank.

“You’re going into the people business” Jesus told them and they went into training with him for the next 3 years of his ministry and as he continued to teach them after his resurrection. We need our own exit moments with a few good friends or family to let Jesus by his Spirit guide us to new and fruitful ways of serving our world.

A Prayer for Today

God of exits and friendship, thank you that you open your arms wide to so many to learn from you. Thank you that you also focused on some particular friends to guide them into deeper sacrifice and love in your service. Help us take moments to exit from the loneliness and uncertainty of these days and emerge into more fruitful engagement in your people business. …. For Jesus’s sake.