The Corn Had Its Tips Frosted


Then Jesus said, “God’s kingdom is like seed thrown on a field by a man who then goes to bed and forgets about it. The seed sprouts and grows—he has no idea how it happens. The earth does it all without his help: first a green stem of grass, then a bud, then the ripened grain. When the grain is fully formed, he reaps—harvest time!  (Mark 4:26-29 MSG)

The Corn Had Its Tips Frosted

Since early June Susan and I have made several trips along a country road west of our town for plays at Stratford. It’s lush countryside with highly mechanized farms cheek by jowl with the horse powered cultivating equipment of the Amish.

Regardless of whether we enjoy the play, the landscape never disappoints. Our early trips saw the soybeans, corn and grains emerging from the soil seeking light, warmth and moisture. On our last trip the fields are lush, some already harvested, and the corn now has golden tops turning what was a green vista into a golden reflector of sunshine – as though the Cosmic Gardener added hairdressing to Her skills and frosted the tops of the corn as an added visual delight.

We measure life in many ways, but the growing season of these fields has been a joyful celebration of life with hints that once harvested the fields will be awaiting frost and snow to anticipate the next growth season. The farmers, whether vintage or computerized have a lot of waiting and watching to do between seeding and harvesting.

“We are not in control” was my long-time farmer friend’s answer when I asked him what he knows to be true about life and God, based only on his agricultural experience. There is a lot in our lives that is like the life of the farmer – we plant seeds and then must wait and see what emerges. From good seed comes good fruit and vice versa, which is where we have influence – let’s make it good so that even after we are gone, the fields will be beautified.

A Prayer for Today

O Divine Sower of life and goodness, we are grateful for the opportunities to partner with you in this Kingdom process. Grant us patience with the process. Help us sow good seed with our lives and actions, leaving lots of space for the seed to grow under so many other enriching influences. Remind us that love, patience, and hope are the kind of seed you want us to sow …. For Jesus’ sake