Instant Gratification

March 14, 2022


When Jesus returned from the Jordan River, the power of the Holy Spirit was with him, and the Spirit led him into the desert. For 40 days Jesus was tested by the devil, and during that time he went without eating. When it was all over, he was hungry. The devil said to Jesus, “If you are God's Son, tell this stone to turn into bread.” Jesus answered, “The Scriptures say, ‘No one can live only on bread.’”  (Luke 4:1-4 CEV)

Instant Gratification
Lent is an artificial construct that has grown over time and is sometimes even a useful spiritual exercise drawing us closer to our God in skin and bone in a lonely desert. I laugh when I hear we get Sundays “off” from whatever physical, mental, spiritual, or good works commitments we have made for the 40 days Jesus was in the desert. He didn’t get days “off”. Lent runs from March 2nd to April 16th, so math only works with days ‘off”.

It’s now 12 days since Lent began and that’s where Jesus was on his extended time of isolation to reveal not only his character but his complete embrace of the vulnerability of naked humanity. So, he’s hungry and I’m sure alert to the sounds of the lonely desert and the sounds of his own inner voice as the Spirit guides him. How alert are we in our own 12 days of discipline?

But he’s not as hungry as he’ll be when the 40 days end. The obvious most basic need he’ll have is bread and quickly. “I could just turn this rock into a fresh-baked loaf,” is flashed across his mind by whatever spiritual force takes us to unhealthy places.

“No one can live only on bread” is not just a defensive quotation but an expression of his understanding of his nation’s history in their own desert. They were led by the Father to teach them this truth and also to reveal their capacity for faithfulness. Jesus was at the top of his game spiritually and these times of testing were to reveal his character and prepare him for sterner tests at the end. Our character is revealed under stress and our Divine Shepherd wants to show us the good we have to offer, not trick us into failure.

A Prayer for Today
Lead us into the desert of purging that through reflection and prayer
we may leave behind the things that tie our spirits down and
learn again to be your pilgrim people.
Through fasting from the frenzied feeding of false desires,
through study of your word, meditation and acts of service,
restore the clearness of our seeing and
free us to share your generous love with all. …. For Jesus’s sake.

 (Ray Simpson Celtic Prayers for Life Today)