What A Difference A “D” Makes

October 12, 2021


Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.  …. Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.  (James 1:17,19,20 NLT)

What A Difference A “D” Makes

Some graffiti artist blacked out the “D” in “Danger” on signs at the edge of a cliff near Ottawa’s Parliament Hill. The sign now says “anger” along with drawings of a person and rocks falling off the cliff – not sure what the artist is mad about. But with all our fatigue, frustration, divided opinions, political goofiness and various uncertainties many are feeling overwhelmed by life and a touch cranky.

If we black out the “G” in gratitude we get “ratitude”. It’s not a word but does describe much of the atmosphere around us. But if we keep the “G” and spend time expressing gratitude for even the smallest of things it can be like sanitizer for our emotions and spirits.

I hope this past Thanksgiving weekend offered some of that with your families and friends. It was for us. Just breathing, eating, laughing, exchanging conversational barbs, and even loving affirmations are a good start to my list of gratitudes. Even more, we know we are loved by the Creator who continues to work in and though us for love and good in our world.

A Prayer for Today

Thank you for harvest’s boundless store, and the fruits of the earth which sustain and gladden us. Thank you for those who work the land or are part of the food chain which reaches our door. Thank you for the comfort of life and the power to help others. Thank you for your creation, and the One you sent to restore us when we fell away from your plan.  (From  Celtic Prayers for Life Today, Ray Simpson)