Oprah's the New Shakespeare
/March 15, 2021
The sayings of King Lemuel contain this message, which his mother taught him. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice. (Proverbs 31:1,8-9 NLT)
Oprah’s the New Shakespeare
When William & Kate’s wedding was pending a friend was invited to a breakfast to watch the event. He declined saying, “They represent the inherited class system of undeserved privilege that I left England to escape”.
But they still fascinate the masses. Lear, Macbeth, several Henrys and Richards, Hamlet & Othello have been Shakespeare’s canvasses to explore human tragedy and triumph. Oprah’s subjects got brand enhancement for their celebrity and future entertainment projects. Oprah got millions in ratings and advertising dollars.
While it just confirmed my own antipathy to the role of the monarchy in Canada’s governance there is sadness in that broken families are still broken families.
Whatever we think of Oprah’s theatrical event there is a desperation in any and all who feel that they have no advocate within a system of injustice. In Canada recently we’ve seen the military, the Governor General’s office and many other stories where the structure beats down the wounded.
The proverbial words of the ancient King Lemuel’s mother are good words for those in power about what they should do with it. Our voices must align in this direction as well.
A Prayer for Today
O God of patient and infinite kindness you must grieve at the brokenness you see among us. Grant us wisdom to use our power and affluence (whatever we have) to be advocates for those who have less than us – to be a voice for the voiceless …. For Jesus’ sake