Who Moved My House?
/December 7, 2020
“If you then,…. know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them” (Matthew 7:11-12 ESV)
Who Moved My House?
The sunrise brightened my morning coffee, shining through our front door and advancing down the hall to where I was sitting the other morning. It surprised me because I’m used to its welcome home invasion through a kitchen window on a very different angle much of the year. I guess my house didn’t move but the angle of the earth sure has.
Sunrise is a couple of hours later and our daylight is 9 hours compared to 15 in June – they are the complete reverse of one another- seasonal adjustments are normal but often unconscious.
For nearly a year we have been forced into uncomfortable adjustments that aren’t seasonal or natural but are necessary. We don’t like these changes, particularly because we haven’t initiated them and can’t control them. Our focus is often on our losses and constrictions. My losses are small compared to the many who have lost jobs, housing , businesses and loved ones – but I can too easily lose perspective.
Jesus invites us to use our imaginations to envision how to respond to some of it - “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them”. It’s an act of creativity and empathy. We have many opinions about what others should be doing in these days but perhaps need a bit more attention to how we are responding to them.
A Prayer for Today
O God, we are disoriented many days but you are still the True North on our spiritual compass with love, forgiveness and reconciliation shining on us. Grant us your wisdom, courage and perseverance to do good and do right in changing seasons …. For Jesus’ sake.