Loud Silence
/February 19, 2019
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.
(Philippians 2:14-16 NIV)
Loud Silence
The one person who knows what she thinks about a political controversy has been silent since she resigned from her cabinet position. Lots of other voices have filled the void with conjecture, character assassination and assorted bits of political machination. The present government is no different than any other, regardless of political stripe – they do some good things but frequently behave badly.
It would be so much easier if at election time the various party representatives would just stand up and say what their policies and plans might be and then acknowledge that they will be as political and devious as all others before them to maintain power and control information.
The “Fourteenth Day” morning prayer in John Baillie’s A Diary of Private Prayer opens with “O Lord, you indwell our shabby human life, lifting it now and then above the dominance of animal passion and greed, allowing it to shine with borrowed lights of love and joy and peace.”
We look for lights to shine in the shabbiness of our political discourse, hoping that good will be done and maybe even truth be discovered for the good of all. But all our light is “borrowed” from the light and love of God in Jesus- we are just poor reflectors – but reflect we must.
A Prayer for Today
Loving God, there is a lot of pain in our world. We create so much of it ourselves with our selfish methods of attempting to do good. Transform us with your kindness to do right, speak truth, fight hard in whatever arena you have placed us without pretense of superior morality or intentions. …. For Jesus’ sake.