A Year End Gift

As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to thank many of you for your continued support of Touchstone.

Our Christmas note to you had a link to our annual Christmas and New Year’s prayer card. We wanted to ensure you are aware of the many free resources available to you for both individual and group study at www.touchstone.ca under the RESOURCES tab. 

For those looking to make year end gifts, would you consider supporting the ongoing work of Touchstone? Over the past 3 years our expenses have been reduced but we still depend on your generosity to continue offering spiritual friendship to a diverse group of friends and also produce new material, including podcasts and videos, for our website and mailing list.

There are a variety of ways to donate (including e-transfer), which can all be found on our website:


Thank you and blessed and safe New Year.


S.Scott Cameron
Board Chair