Our Annual Prayers for Deck and Dock 2021

God of the longest days,
may our life be a long day for you,
always reflecting your light.
Open, awake.

(Ray Simpson)

Summer’s longer days approach and our anticipation of more opportunity to be together outdoors gives us hope. With skyrocketed lumber prices your deck or dock is either worth more than it was last year, or it will be many times more expensive to repair or build. Patios, nature walks, lakefront bike rides may be other ways we enjoy the warmth and light of late spring and summer together.

The price of decks may have gone up but the going rate for friendship is priceless. We need one another more than ever. While freedom grows, we still have a collective grief for lost loved ones without gatherings of comfort, marriages and other milestones in life, without celebrations, lost learning and social opportunities for younger generations and no hugs – it hasn’t been easy for many.

But we are designed for friendship with God and one another and we still have opportunity to express faith, hope and love for God and one another in creative and intentional ways.

When we can’t be together, we can imagine what another is experiencing and pray as though we were with one another. We can see glimpses on Zoom but if you visit with me on Zoom you only see my study, not the rest of my life and activity. Your life is bigger and richer than I can see on a computer or tablet screen.

Commerce may have run fine on Zoom but family, friendships, community, youth development, comfort and celebration all are done best when we are together. Supporting and encouraging one another, prayer and care for those we know need it, are all opportunities to do God’s work in our world.

We offer our Prayers for Deck & Dock 2021 to assist in our moments of quiet and stillness. In the quiet of prayer, we may see and hear new things about the needs of our world. We can pray for expanded vision of the magnificent love of God and the Spirit’s vision for us as individuals, families and communities.

May our times together be opportunities to help one another experience the expansive and inviting love of God and for each one to discover fresh vision for our own lives.

Goodness of friendship grow among us,


PS. Thank you for your continued support. If you would like to make a donation please click here.