The Opposite of Faith is Ingratitude
/It struck me in this post-Thanksgiving period that perhaps the opposite of faith is ingratitude. The story of the 10 lepers healed by Jesus triggered this thought. Ten yelled for help and on their way to see the authorities their bodies became healthy and clean.
Only one broke from the pack to thank the one they had yelled to for help. One returned to say an emotional and fervent “Thank you”. As he received his gratitude Jesus said ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no-one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well.’ (Luke 17:17-19 NIV)
Being overwhelmed by gratitude to God was the wellness that was received by this man. And that was faith. Faith that he had received a gift, the same as the other 9 but he was energized enough to express gratitude.
That’s my perspective as I write this. It has been a rich time of ministry, serving those who have grieved deeply through loss from disease and mental illness. Guiding retreats of groups that have been learning together to be hospitable to God and one another – some of them now for 18 years – is a gift.
The freedom and resources to respond to needs as they come across our path and connect one person to another are gifts from God. Hosting one who has walked through grief for 30 years at lunch with one whose grief is fresh and deep is a gift from God. Touchstone has received so much over the years and we want to stay grateful and inspired to serve the body of Christ generously.
Watch for our new video podcast coming soon in which I expand a bit on this theme of “The Opposite of Faith is Ingratitude”.
Thank you for your continued support for this work. We are overwhelmingly grateful to God for your kindness and provision of the resources for this work.
With Jesus’ joy
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