Introducing Our New Brand
/“Touchstone” has been our name for more than thirty years. Recently we’ve had several conversations with friends about updating our brand and communications with a new logo and digital presence that expresses our ministry in a more effective, current and interactive manner. As our constituency increasingly turns to digital and social media, personal devices and online resources for information, contemplation and connecting, we believe this new initiative is vitally important. It is aimed at making our experience of friendship with God and one another more widely available and impactful to our various marketplaces.
As far back as ancient civilizations a touchstone was used to test the quality of gold. Drawing a line of soft ore on a flat hard stone left a streak of gold. Comparisons were made with previous known samples to evaluate the quality of the gold. In more modern times the assayers applied acid to the gold steak and the reaction indicated its purity. 24 carat gold has no reaction to the acid while 14 carat will show chemical activity.
Over time the touchstone symbology has been used to ascribe the validity or truth of ideas, actions and values. In our context, we say that the resurrection is a touchstone of our faith.
Touchstone’s work creates opportunities for men and women through friendship, prayer, and conversation to discover the gold in our lives in the presence of Jesus. We are all works in progress and we believe that Jesus is the true assayer of our lives as we are placed in close experience with him. We discover we are loved, flawed, recovering and growing as we are tested in the successes and failures, joys and sorrows of life.
We will reflect the many ways our lives are shaped by our great touchstone, Jesus, and the many ways we allow ourselves to be touchstones for others, for justice and mercy in our world.